New Jersey Fish Species
Fish Season Calendar
Guide's Targeted Fish Species In March

Common Questions:
What are the most popular fish species to catch in New Jersey?
The most popular fish species in New Jersey include striped bass, bluefish, flounder, black sea bass, and various species of tuna. Each offers unique fishing experiences throughout different seasons.
When is the best time to catch striped bass in New Jersey?
The best time to catch striped bass in New Jersey is typically during the spring and fall months, especially during their migration periods when they move closer to shore.
What size striped bass can I expect to catch?
Striped bass in New Jersey can vary in size, with some reaching over 40 inches. Many anglers often catch fish in the 28 to 38-inch range, which are considered great targets.
Are there regulations regarding catch limits for flounder in New Jersey?
Yes, there are regulations regarding catch limits for flounder in New Jersey. These can change seasonally, so it’s essential to check the current regulations before fishing.
What types of tuna can be found off the New Jersey coast?
Off the New Jersey coast, anglers can target several types of tuna, including bluefin, yellowfin, and albacore. Each species has its peak season, with bluefin generally available in late summer and early fall.
What are the best techniques for catching bluefish?
To catch bluefish, anglers often use techniques like trolling with lures, casting with poppers, or bottom fishing with cut bait. Their aggressive nature makes them exciting targets.
How can I identify black sea bass?
Black sea bass can be identified by their dark blue to black coloring and a distinctive white or light-colored spot on their dorsal fin. They are also known for their aggressive feeding habits.
Is there a specific season for catching porgies in New Jersey?
Yes, porgies (scup) are typically best caught from late spring through early fall, with peak fishing occurring during the warmer months when they move into shallower waters.
Can I catch fluke (summer flounder) in Raritan Bay?
Absolutely! Raritan Bay is a popular spot for fluke fishing, especially during the summer months when these fish are abundant in the area.
What are the best bait options for fishing in New Jersey?
Some of the best bait options for fishing in New Jersey include live eels, bunker, squid, and various artificial lures, depending on the target species and fishing conditions.
A MoonDog Fishing Fishing Charter targets the top New Jersey Fish species including Striped Bass (Also Called Striper, Linesider, Rockfish ), Bluefish (Also Called Elf, Tailor, Shad), Atlantic Bonito (Also Called Bloater, Bone Jack, Bonito, Boston Mackerel, Common Bonito, Skipjack), Southern Flounder (Also Called Flounder, Plie ), Little Tunny (Also Called False Albacore, Albie, Little Tuna, Bonita ), Black Sea Bass (Also Called Sea Bass ), Bluefin Tuna (Also Called Atlantic Bluefin Tuna), White Weakfish (Also Called Seatrout ). We primarily Fish the Raritan Bay, Keansburg, Sandy Hook Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Lake Montauk, Mill River, East River, Swan River, Cape Cod, Long Island Sound, Gardiners Bay, Buzzard's Bay, Nantucket, Marthas 's Vineyard, Vineyard Sound, Chatham, Falmouth.